Necessity of Education HSC Paragraph


  • a What do you think about the necessity of education? 
  • b Can education really remove the darkness of ignorance? 
  • c How does education promote understanding among people? 
  • d How can education contribute towards change for the better?       

Importance of Education

Education is one of the most important things that a person can have, and there are many reasons why you should invest in it. Learning new things is always fun, and it can help you in many different ways. For example, learning new languages can help you travel internationally, learn about different cultures, and build stronger relationships with people from other countries. Learning new skills can also help you find a job that corresponds to your interests, or learn how to cook a delicious dish that you’ve always wanted to try. The benefits of education are endless, and there is no reason why you shouldn’t invest in it.

Education and Institutional Learning

Education is the backbone of a nation. It is a formal process of institutional learning. For the development of the mind and soul of every human being, education is very much essential. It builds the personality of a person and makes his worth to meet challenges. Obviously, education removes the darkness of ignorance. An ignorant person is unable to gain knowledge of something. He is unable to gain knowledge from different sources where as an educated person can do. The store of knowledge is open to an educated person.

Education is Like Light

Actually, education is compared to light while ignorance is compared to darkness. Education promotes understanding among people. It broadens our outlook and makes us aware of the human qualities latent in our personality. It teaches us patience and universal brotherhood. We become conscious in our duties and responsibilities to our family as well as to our society. Education is a medium  which ennobles our mind and uplifts our senses. With this broaden perspectives, we can go towards change for the better. Education itself is a training which always trains us for the best. But we have to be careful of getting proper education. We should give highest importance on proper education.

Education and National Progress

Education is important in our personal, social and national life for some reasons. Firstly, no nation can progress without education. Education is said to be the backbone of a nation. So a nation becomes paralysed without education. Today we find that the nation which is more educated is more developed. If the people of a nation are educated, they remain conscious about their responsibilities towards people and nation and can perform their duties accordingly.

Education and personal Development

Secondly, education is very much essential for the personal development. It builds the personality of a person and makes him worthy to meet challenges of the modern world. It broadens our outlook and teaches us patience and universal brotherhood. Thirdly, education is also essential for our family life. An educated person can manage and support his family better than an uneducated person. In conclusion, we can say that education is the most important thing for a person, a society as well as for a nation.



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