Education HSC Paragraph


  • a How many kinds of education are there? 
  • b What is informal education? 
  • c What is formal education? 
  • d How can we learn from various kinds of education?


What is Education?

Education is a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges to improve knowledge and develop skills. Education enlightens the mind and broadens the outlook. There are two kinds of education informal and formal. Informal education means basic education. It is acquisition which people develop through their mother tongue. It is a natural and subconscious process of receiving education. It is usually learnt while speaking with members of the family, with friends and relatives. Informal education may be called implicit learning. Formal education is learning which is received at schools, colleges or universities with lessons, exams etc. Formal education may be classified as academic, vocational and professional.

What is Academic Education?

Academic education provides academic learning to learners in various disciplines such as arts, science, business studies, law, medical and engineering etc. vocational education is connected with the skills, knowledge, etc. that one needs to have in order to do a particular job. Professional education refers to the kind of education which is connected with a job needing special training or skill. Moreover, one of the functions of education today should be to impart 21st century stills. Besides reading, mathematics and science, it is necessary to train other skills that are in demand. We can learn a lot from various kinds of education which enrich our domain of knowledge.

Mass education is very important in Bangladesh

‘Mass education’ means education for the illiterate people of our country. Mass education aims at giving knowledge of letters to the illiterate people, to make them able to read and write. Mass education also makes people aware of their rights and duties and makes them conscious and responsible citizens, to make them able to differentiate between right and wrong.

Mass Education for People

Mass education is essential to make our farmers aware of modern science and technology. Most of our farmers are not familiar with the latest invention of science and technology in respect of agriculture. If our farmers use scientific method of cultivation, our production will be increased. Mass education is necessary to make our people aware of the control of population explosion. Many of our people especially illiterate people do not know much about the adverse effect of large population. If we cannot make our people aware of the adverse effect of large population, we cannot control the population explosion. If we cannot control our population explosion, there will be no development. Mass education can play an important role for the betterment of women folk. About half of our population is women. Many of our women especially poor village women are not educated. They are not aware of family planning. An uneducated woman easily becomes a victim to oppression, suppression, exploitation and injustices. She silently bears all the humiliations and tortures inflicted upon her. If women are educated, the maltreatment of the women in the family and in the society will be diminished.


There is no deniable question about the necessity of mass education. National information media took extensive programmes in respect of mass education. Present government is also making efforts for it. Yet the mass literacy campaign should be further strengthened. All educated persons should take active part to make the mass people educated.



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